2018-05-15 Matetsi River arrival and day 1

2018-05-15 Matetsi River arrival and day 1

After reaching the lodge and got accommodated in our beautiful bungalow, we soon drove off for our first game drive.

A first stop, after driving uphill a little bit, was to get an overview of the location and the magnitude of Zambezi river.

(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/160)

Trees look very similar here in Zimbabwe as in Botswana before.

(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/200)
(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/800)

We saw Zebras, Giraffes and Elephants.

A little further on we saw a clan of baboons. Obviously they had a lot of fun, specially the younger ones chased and played together on a fallen tree.

(Nikon D500,, 200-500mm at 450mm, ISO 5600, f/8, 1/1000)
A little break during play (Nikon D500,, 200-500mm at 200mm, ISO 9000, f/8, 1/1000)

Its was getting dark quickly, but still we managed to see this hyena running on the road towards us.

(Nikon D500,, 200-500mm at 500mm, ISO 16000, f/8, 1/500)

We stopped for our sundowner and enjoyed this beautiful view. The silhouette of vultures can be seen on the big tree.

(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/2, 1/320)

It was really dark when we headed back to the lodge. In the spotlight of our guide we saw an owl and a baby elephant getting protection from the mother.

(Nikon D500,, 200-500mm at 270mm, ISO 16000, f/5.6, 1/200)
(Nikon D500,, 200-500mm at 200mm, ISO 16000, f/5.6, 1/160)

Next morning we left early and saw a beautiful sunrise over the Zambezi River.

(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/500)

Only a few minutes into the drive we saw this Giraffe family.

(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 24mm, ISO 320, f/8, 1/500)

The adult giraffes were mating, so we stayed there for some time and observed the scene.

The young giraffe stayed nearby and waited.

(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 201mm, ISO 1000, f/8, 1/500)

We continued our drive.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 450mm, ISO 640, f/8, 1/1000)

Close to a water pond we came to see a scene we’ve never seen before. Two hyenas feeding on the carcass of a killed buffalo. Next to them was a large clan of vultures.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 500mm, ISO 640, f/8, 1/400)
(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 87mm, ISO 320, f/8, 1/500)

Our position was not ideal to photograph, downhill and against the daylight, so our guide decided to drive to the other side of the pond, from where we had a much better view and from there we followed the scene for quit some time.

(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 24mm, ISO 500, f/8, 1/500)
(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 390mm, ISO 640, f/5.6, 1/1000)

Not long after the tow hyenas moved away from the scene. Only a fraction of a second later a huge bunch of vultures fought over the carcass to get their part.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 200mm, ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/1000)

Suddenly one of the hyenas came back running at the vultures and chased them away. Obviously it was just for fun. After the last vulture flew off, the hyena turned around and left the scene, satisfied of his success.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 200mm, ISO 400, f/8, 1/1000)
(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 400mm, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/1000)

All the vultures came back immediately now being assured that the hyenas will not interrupt them anymore. A big fight started between the vultures, who will get the best position. There were so many birds that they covered the carcass in several layers.

(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 240mm, ISO 500, f/8, 1/500)

We had our morning coffee and tee at this location, an unforgettable event for us.

On the way back to the camp we saw a herd of buffalos near another water pond.

(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 83mm, ISO 400, f/8, 1/500)

Back at the camp we were greeted by this pied kingfisher on a tree in front of our bungalow.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 500mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/2000)

After this first game drive we enjoyed an excellent breakfast. Here we realised, how much water Zambezi river carried and how close the water was to the lodge. Our breakfast table was set up really at the edge of the water.

(Apple iPhoneX 28mm, ISO 20,f/1.8, 1/3400)

Next we visited the spectacular Victoria Falls. Of this visit I made a dedicated spark page. Click on the button below to see my impressions of the Victoria Falls.

Link to the dedicated page of our visit to the Victoria Falls

Returning from Victoria Falls we did not go on another game drive, but on a river cruise instead. With this fast current we thought it would not be possible, but with the powerful engines it was not a big deal and we enjoyed a beautiful and calm ride on Zambezi River.

We saw this group of elephants on the river bank. They drank water and played with the red coloured sand and had some fun. As we got closer to sunset the light was not very strong anymore so I had to crank up ISO quit a bit. On an unstable surface like a boat and with a long lens I needed a short shutter speed, so there was no alternativ than adjusting ISO accordingly.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 220mm, ISO 2500, f/8, 1/1000)
(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 220mm, ISO 2800, f/8, 1/1000)
(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/100)

We continued our cruise and observed some other animals that crossed our way.

(Nikon D500 200-500mm at 220mm, ISO 5600, f/8, 1/1000)
(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/80)

Last but not least we witnessed a magnificent sunset on Zambezi River.

(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/400)
(Sony RX1R 35mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/1600)
(Sony A7R3 24-240mm at 24mm, ISO 100, f/8, 1/125)

Continue to day 2

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